
Author: Jennifer Roberts



Reflection is a necessary part of life. It affords us time to evaluate what has worked in the past in order to move forward without hindrance in our future. Reflection helps bring closure to unpleasant seasons of life and it takes the time to celebrate beautiful moments that would otherwise be rushed past.


God built reflection into our design. He repeatedly had the children of Israel stop and build memorials to remind themselves what the Lord had done for them. The amount of times it says in the bible “they forgot what the Lord had done”, is staggering.


I’m realizing more and more that my shake it off and move on mentality is not serving me well in the long term. As humans we are meant to stop, ponder, remember and thank God or cry in the palm of His hand. When I reflect on who the Lord is and what He is doing and what He’s walked me through it anchors me to a bigger story that He’s writing. I begin to see themes of His faithfulness and themes of my brokenness played out like a broken record.


Reflection causes me to pause


Reflection causes me to stare at things I would rather rush past. But when I sit with God and ask difficult questions and wait for the answers and cry if I need to cry or greave if I need to grieve or laugh and enjoy the memories of the last season. All along I’m building a history with God and reflection becomes those memorials of His goodness in my life in the various season’s I’ve walked through.


In our rushed way of life it takes great energy to get into our lives the practice of reflection and quiet moments. So, as we enter the holiday season and it’s crazy and frantic, take time to reflect on God. But beyond Thanksgiving or Christmas its essential to build reflection into our “normal” life. May you experience the beauty of stillness with the Lord as you reflect and remember


Psalm 131:2 “I have calmed and quieted my soul, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.


Out of this position of resting on the Lord’s chest, reflect and remember.


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